Thursday, August 28, 2008

First Day of School

My 5 year old started kindergarten this week and my 7 year old started second grade. I have been anticipating this day all summer long. I cried when I put Camille on the bus for the first time and just knew I would do the same for Elise. However, when a bus came around the corner, Elise took off running towards it. We had to yell for her to stop because it wasn't even the right bus. As you can see below, she was waving her arms up in the air and yelling all the way down the street. Needless to say, it was not a sad moment!!

Here is Camille proudly showing off her new messanger bag. The standard backpack would not do.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

LIttle Benjamin

I am so lucky that I get to photograph the most beautiful babies!!! This little guy was so cute that I had a hard time leaving. I had so much fun working with him and his parents. Thank you for making my job so much fun!!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Baby Boy

Look at this adorable baby boy!!! He was so beautiful and ALERT!!! I kept waiting on him to fall asleep and he was just so happy and content to be awake. Mostly all of his photographs are of him with his eyes open. I did catch him a couple of times closing his eyes, but not for long!! He has the sweetest big brother and sister. They just loved to hold him and give him tons of kisses!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


This is the World's BEST Babysitter!!! Not only is she the best babysitter, but she is just the nicest, most polite, young adult you will ever meet. I can only hope that my girls will grow up to be like her!! She has helped me out a lot this summer and when I tell someone that I have Jenna babysitting, they say, "The Jenna??". I say, "yes, The Jenna!!" She will be going to graduate school soon and we will definitely miss her but wish her the best of luck!!